creative construction toys
Super Blowballs are heroic warriors, liberators of planets and galaxies. They are kind, but they can give a crushing rebuff to those who came with dark intentions. These guys love their people and family and protect them from the dark forces and support the peaceful order of the cosmos.
From the lat. Dono - "I give"

Donor has super protection. On its feet there are holes, which in case of danger radiate a protective field. He has infrared vision and can shoot laser beams from his eyes. But the main purpose of Donor is healing. In his ball-body are stored a lot of medicines that can rid of any diseases. The donor can treat other Blowballs, it's easy to detect problems with sensitive scanners hidden at the fingertips. Donor super creation of the Galaxy, Super Blowball.
[100% eco-wood / laser cutting / 6.3'']
Type - battleship

Armo's body is covered with impenetrable armor. He's able to fold into a ball, roll and shoot spines / plates that are hidden on his back. On the trunk of Armo are sharp discs that he throws at enemies with crushing power. And Armo can arrange a real tornado / tsunami, because he is the lord of sand / waves.

[100% eco-wood / laser cutting / 6.3'']

discount 20%

A discount acts on all 3 types of blowballs in a bill. Order all 3 blowballs and get a discount with a special gift robot Kenny!
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